
  • Dr. Constantin Ivanov Institutul de Filologie Română „Bogdan Petriceicu-Hasdeu” al Ministerului Educației Culturii și Cercetării, Chișinău



imaginary, expression of evil, ideology, representation, identity


Considerations on the problem of ideological evil from the perspective of the literary imaginary.

This article analyzes from the perspective of the literary imaginary the paradigms and mechanisms of triggering ideological evil. In principle, ideological evil is of a moral nature and largely aims at implementing a utopian ideal, which by imposing  a model of good can suppress free will. In such a case, we have been able to establish the appropriate framework for the manifestation of evil in societies that commit an act of extermination of human freedom and reduce the individual to a  simple entity in the machinery called society in the name of a common good, ie a good imposed by mechanisms (constraints) political. Absolutely avoiding an exegetical deepening of literary creations, we managed to frame the analysis of the  problem of evil within a general framework, which allowed us to establish the principles of functioning of a totalitarian society, which can change freedom and human consciousness, by abusively and uniformly imposing a foreign identity on the cultural matrix  of the individual.


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How to Cite

CONSIDERAȚII ASUPRA PROBLEMEI RĂULUI IDEOLOGIC DIN PERSPECTIVA IMAGINARULUI LITERAR. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(3), 292-301.