
  • Fil. Anca Ursache Tcaciuc ”Nicolae Titulescu” University, Bucharest



human nature, homo sapiens, homo faber, zoon politikon, zoon logon echon, human plurality, animal laborans, vita activa, human condition, human rights


Ecce, Homo! Between understanding the Human Nature and Fighting for Human Rights

The human being in a debate on fundamental issues in which both his human nature and his social rights are reflected, represents approaches of deep analysis and diametrically opposed positions of the world’s great thinkers in their effort to  show as far is possible in the light of the era of wich they were past, in the light of their lived experiences: what is the human being, what a right is and how it is aquired. The writing topic abounds in such works that prove the concern of this  unique being endowed with counsciousness, since Antiquity to nowadays. From a philosophical perspective in dialectical approach, concepts as: homo sapiens, homo faber, zoon politikon, zoon logon echon, it is not just a starting point  questioning, but also a foundation for the values and actions contemporary reinterpretation in Hannah Arendt’s work through an unshakable critical thinking formed in prestigious educational institutions but especially as a necessity to  ndersatnd the world, result of lived experience  and witness of the twentieth’s first half century’s atrocities.


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How to Cite

ECCE, HOMO! ÎNTRE A ÎNȚELEGE NATURA UMANĂ ȘI A LUPTA PENTRU DREPTURILE OMULUI. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(3), 142-158.