
  • Drd. Igor Soroceanu Academia „Ștefan cel Mare” a Ministerului Afacerilor Interne a Republicii Moldova



person, rule of law, human dignity, supreme law, rights and freedoms


The prestige of the personality – fundamental value of humanity in a democratic state

The rule of law is one of the most discussed concepts of constitutional law and is indisputably related to the transition from state law to the rule of law. In the literature, contradictory opinions have sometimes been stated, according to which the  rule of law corresponds to anthropological needs or that it is a myth, a postulate and an axiom, and on the other hand, the rule of law is a pleonasm, a legal nonsense. The concept of the rule of law is a constitutional reality whose foundation is  found in the mechanisms of state power, in the relationship between power and freedom of each individual in society and in the application of the principle of legality in state activity, but also in the behavior of each member of society.


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How to Cite

PRESTIGIUL PERSONALITĂȚII – VALOARE FUNDAMENTALĂ A OMENIRII ÎNTR-UN STAT DEMOCRATIC. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(3), 133-141.