
  • Drd. Emanuel Jurcoi Universitatea Aurel-Vlaicu din Arad



students, organization, congresses, regulation, impact


Freedom of Conscience and Organization of the Association of Baptist Students from Romania (1927-1947)

The Romanian Baptist Students Association was founded in 1927 and we have the latest information about an event organized by the association since 1945. In 1948 we know that any denominational youth organization was banned by the  communist state. This paper deals with the organization of this cultic entity. In other words, I will address the legitimacy of organizing such an association as the Baptist Youth Union in Romania already exists, but I will also deal with the A.S.B.R.  Today we know the following meetings: 1927 in Curtici, 1928 in Arad, 1929 in Șiria, 1930 in Oradea, 1931 in Șega-Arad, 1934 in Bucharest, 1936 in Pârneava-Arad and 1945 in Lipova. Congresses were held annually, which meant changing the  organization’s leadership often. Some of the names of the leaders of this association have been preserved to this day, others have been lost in the mists of history and may come to light in the years to come. In this article I will deal with a special  topic as this information is exposed almost exclusively. The status of the organization voted in 1931 was preserved and was briefly described in the text allocated to the congress of that year. The impact of the organization is a subchapter instead  of conclusions. In this place, the impact on the students’ lives was pursued through the material support of some of them as well as the impact within the Baptist churches in which they were active.


• Fond Ioan Ungureanu, Dosar 8, nr. imagine 120842

• Fond Ioan Ungureanu, Dosar 8, Statutul ASBR votat în 15 august 1931 la Șega Arad

• Fond Ioan Ungureanu, Dosar 10, Borderou pentru sumele împrumutate din fondul VICTORIA contra polițe din blank aci anexate fără termen, următorilor studenți.

• Fond Comunitatea Baptistă din Arad

• Revista Farul Mântuirii, An VIII, nr. 19, 20 octombrie 1927, pp. 7-8.

• Revista Farul Creștin, An III, nr. 18, 15 septembrie 1935, p. 7.

• Revista Farul Creștin, An III, nr. 20, 15 octombrie 1935, pp. 3-4.

• Ioan Burza, Congresul Asociației Studenților Baptiști, în Revista Farul Creștin, An IV, nr. 19, 1 oct. 1936, p. 8.

• Fond Daniel Stoica, Revista Glasul Tineretului Baptist.

• Revista Glasul Tineretului Baptist, An V, nr. 8, august 1929, pp. 5-7.

• Dumitru N. Sida, Organizațiunea A.S.B. Și rolul ei de colaborare la înfăptuirea U.T.B.R., în Revista Glasul Tineretului Baptist, An VI, nr. 1-2, februarie 1930.

• Gheorghe Ciosescu, Congresul Asociației Baptiștilor trimit la Oradea în 15-18 aug. a.c. în Revista Glasul Tineretului Baptist, An VI, nr. 9, septembrie 1930, pp. 4-8.

• Ban, Livius, De la ruină la glorie, Arad, Carmel Print, 2004.

• Comșa, Grigorie, Cheia sectelor religioase din România, Biserica și Școala, An LIV, nr. 37, 14 septembrie 1930, Arad, pp. 1-2.

• Popovici, Alexa, Istoria baptiștilor din România 1856-1989, Oradea, Făclia, 2007.




How to Cite

LIBERTATEA DE CONȘTIINȚĂ ȘI ORGANIZAREA ASOCIAȚIEI STUDENȚILOR BAPTIȘTI DIN ROMÂNIA (1927-1947). (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(3), 62-73.