origin of the human being, human rights, creationism, evolutionism, unknownAbstract
The origin of man and his rights
The origin of the human being and the subject of human rights are topical issues in every historical period of the human race. From birth to death, man claims his rights. These, recognized or not, artificially manufactured or universally accepted, define his existence. Man lives and develops based on the rights he enjoys. Human origin, on the other hand, is being questioned as a potential variable that could solve the human rights equation. The theme is justified, the need for knowledge is real, and the foray into theories of the origin of the human being can clarify the extent to which people can claim or build their personal rights. Evolutionism and creationism, the two theories that are most often imposed in discussions, are accompanied by the declared partisans of the „unknown” way, in which man appeared on earth. Finally, every theory must demonstrate the extent to which it can be relied upon, in asserting human rights.
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