
  • Assoc. Prof. Monica Luminiţa Alexandru, PhD University of Bucharest




exploitation, forced labour, children’s rights


The exploitation of children through work is a real problem that Romanian society faces and violates the fundamental principles of human rights. The low standard of living of the majority of the population has led to more and more exploited children through their family work. This study aims to identify the causes that determine the labour  exploitation of the child and the correlation between the degree of education of the family and the labour exploitation of the child. Also, the role that social support has in reducing the effects of exploitation and reducing trauma. The research method chosen is a qualitative case study. The cases of six children, victims of labour exploitation, who  benefit from a form of social assistance, were analyzed. It reveals that the precarious financial situation, the lack of a stable income in the family, the lack of one of the parents, alcohol consumption are the main vulnerability factors that influence the development of the phenomenon of child exploitation through work. Both parents and children  have a very low level of education or are illiterate, with most parents considering that education is not important because it does not bring an immediate benefit. The exploitation of the child through work leads to school dropout, violating one of the fundamental rights of the child, namely the right to education. Through the social support  provided, registered progress at all levels, the counselled children were reintegrated into the school environment, in parallel with the support of the family in order to overcome the difficult situation theyare in.


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How to Cite

EXPLOITATION OF CHILD LABOR, SERIOUS VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(2), 529-542. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6561281