anomy, disnomy, paranomy, crime, criminogenic construct, criminogenesys, discordant socialisation, teleologic, teleonomic, epistemology, etiology, hermeneutics, devianceAbstract
COMPREHENSIVE CRIMINOLOGY elaborated by George C. Basiliade Comprehensive Criminology, Expert Publishing House, 2006, 903 pages, Romanian Academy Award, 2006) represents not only an encyclopedic treatise, unique in the Romanian specialised literature but also an original conception of the epistemology of crime, unique in the European and global thinking. Unfortunately, this work remains insufficiently known and barely integrated in the circuit of academic values. Our analytical approach proposes revealing some of the original operational concepts introduced by George C. Basiliade in the deconstruction and reconstruction of criminology. Defining the object of a criminology based on constitutive interdisciplinarity, the author opts for human reality as a constant reference element for connecting ideas to a way of understanding that goes beyond the classical etiological explanations about the perpetrator and crime. Significant is the fact that, after a comprehensive literature review, he pinpoints the logical and methodological inconsistency of traditional criminology and contemporary orientations. The author selects the main themes integrated in the object of criminology, starting from the concepts of responsibility and sanction. These coordinates of forbidden human behaviors are located in the biblical texts of Creation and make of original sin (violation of fundamental prohibitions), the expulsion from Eden (punishment), the free will (as a possibility of behavioral choice) and the teleonomic imperative of species survival, some of the defining dimensions for defining the human being. Based on the complex analysis of the socialization process (affective, cognitive and normative socialization), the author reveals, in one original way, the fact that discordant is the link between crime as a social phenomenon and the criminal behavior, as an individual or group manifestation, designing the operational concept of discordant socialization. Configuring the main ideas about the relationship between socialization and crime, which could structure a general theory on crime, George C. Basiliade reveals that crime, as a social phenomenon, consists of all behaviors that violate the criminal law. It is the result of contradictions and dysfunctions at the level of global societies and of the fields of action of the social controling instances and social media. There are contradictions and dysfunctions inherent in the social system, because, it reflects a constant of the world, namely the imperfection of the human being, after the original sin and its ontological inability to organize and function according to the transcendent principles of a universal harmony.
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