worship, Sabbath, rest, eschatology, RevelationAbstract
The Johannine Apocalypse makes it clear that the final stage of the conflict between good and evil revolves around the issue of worship, and this relates intrinsically to the Sabbath. This article pinpoints the role of the Sabbath at the close of earth’s history. Moreover, it also emphasizes the expressions and motifs of rest which are used to describe life beyond the second coming of Jesus. The concept of rest in eschatology will be discovered under three dimensions. First, rest is existential, that is in relation to the experience of salvation in Christ. Second, rest is ingrained in the worship on the Sabbath since the latter is symbolic of ceasing and comfort. Third, there is also an eternal dimension of rest, which basically stands in contrast with all the hardships the people of God undergo during the last tribulation before the eschaton.
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