Computer, conscience, consumerism, Christianity, the third millenniumAbstract
The world that computer science proposes to the man of the third millennium is ambivalent: one can create the state of beauty and interpersonal help through the IT technique, one can also fulfill thoughts that you never hoped to be achievable. You can see, you can know places and people with their traditions. You can do a lot ... But at the same time you can degrade yourself morally by falling from your dignity and moral beauty, drugging your life with the illusion of sensual happiness or easy gain. In other words, good and evil are put before you in the world of computer science today and tomorrow. The IT world appears as a divine commandment: life and death I have put before you, blessing and curse ... choose .... And man chooses. The mission of our world is to realize the beauty that must be chosen. The divine is everywhere and can be easily discovered. But the evil is the same and it is often more appetizing. It all depends on us. This is what I tried to capture in the analysis of my study.
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