
  • Dr. Constantin Ghioancă Institutul Teologic Baptist din București



human nature, human rights, alterity, imago Dei, identity, conscience, the others


The Human Nature as a Basis for the Alterity Rights.

Discussing about human rights in a complex world, such as we live in, is not an easy task. The main question that we address in this paper is `Why should people consider that those who are different than themselves – the socalled `Alterity` – are entitled to human rights like anyone else?’ Our thesis is that, while people engage with other persons,  and generally with ‘alterity’, it is precisely the Christian perspective on human nature that makes it possible to talk about `alterity rights’. Though such a perspective may or may not be consciously affirmed, we argue that it still lies at the root of the alterity rights, mirroring or echoing the human rights themselves. We build our argument in this  paper, first by sketching a profile of the Chrisitan perspective on human nature – a Biblical anthropology – and then by paving the road from human nature to alterity rights. Specifically, we look at the main Biblical narratives of the Creation, the Fall and the Redemption, and we emphasize their connection with the human nature and the Alterity rights.


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How to Cite

NATURA UMANĂ CA BAZĂ PENTRU DREPTURILE ALTERITĂȚII. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(2), 287-296.