
  • Pastor Mihai Stoicescu PhD (c) „Aurel Vlaicu” University, Arad



human rights, human nature, health care, coronavirus pandemic, terrorism, refugees, free will


The coronavirus pandemic highlighted both the sacrifice of some to save human lives, but unfortunately also highlighted a cruel reality: selective medical treatment, argued by the fact that the medical staff was overwhelmed by the situation. The  crises in Syria or Afghanistan have upset the international community, which has proved unprepared for the wave of refugees. Against the background of terrorism originating in these areas, the prejudices were those that marked some  communities, making them unable to react to the need for security of refugees.


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• *** Dicționar biblic [Biblical Dictionary], vol. II, translation by Constantin Moisa, București, Editura Stephanus, 1996.

• *** Dicționar enciclopedic de iudaism [The Encyclopedia of Judaism], translation by Vivane Prager, C. Litman, Țicu Goldstein, București, Editura Hasefer, 2000.

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• Erickson, Millard J., Teologie creștină [Christian Theology], vol. II, translation by Elena Jorj, Oradea, Editura Cartea Creștină, 1998.

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• Josephus, Flavius, Antichități iudaice [Antiquities of the Jews], vol. II, translation and notes by Ion Acsan, București, Ed. Hasefer, 2001.

• Kittel, Gerhard, Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, vol. II, Grand Rapids, Michigan, William B. Eerdmans Publishing House, 1993.

• Lenski, R.C.H., The Interpretation of St. Luke’s Gospel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Augsburg Publishing House, 1961.

• Lenski, R.C.H., The Interpretation of St. Mark’s Gospel, Minneapolis, Minnesota, Augsburg Publishing House, 1964.

• Maier, Gerhard, Evanghelia după Marcu [The Gospel of Mark], Korntal, Editura Lumina lumii, 1999.

• Maier, Gerhard, Evanghelia după Luca [The Gospel of Luke], Korntal, Editura Lumina lumii, 1999.

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• Tenney, Merrill C. / Packer, James I. / White, William, Viața cotidiană în vremurile biblice [Daily Life in Bible Times], translation by Olimpiu S. Cosma, Făgăraș, Editura Agape, 1997.




How to Cite

JESUS CHRIST AND HUMAN RIGHTS. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(1), 568-578.