subjective law, subjective rights, capacity to exercise, good faith, abuse of lawAbstract
Subjective Law Assets.
Subjective law is the prerogative of a concrete subject of law to have a conduct or to claim a conduct to other subjects of law, in order to capitalize on or defend interests protected by the law of the objective in force, if it enters into a specific legal relationship. There are major differences between having a subjective right and the power to exercise it based on the difference between the ability to use and the ability to exercise. Undoubtedly, a person with full capacity to exercise can exercise his subjective rights in his own name, while the person without capacity will have to exercise his rights through a representative. However, there are also situations when persons with the capacity to exercise to eat other persons for the exercise of procedural rights, when the parties may resort either to non-specialized agents or to the service of a lawyer. We observe that subjective rights are both legal means of limiting the behavior of others towards their holders and limits of the behavior of holders of subjective rights towards those around them. Therefore, the subjective right is the basis of the legal guarantee to be able to demand from others a certain behavior as well as a measure of one’s own conduct. Subjective law is the prerogative of a concrete subject of law to have a conduct or to claim a conduct to other subjects of law, in order to capitalize on or defend interests protected by the law of the objective in force, if it enters into a specific legal relationship. A niche of subjective law sent me to research the exercise and use of observations in good faith and abuse of law.
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