
  • Asist. univ. dr. Otniel Murza Institutul Teologic Creștin după Evanghelie „Timotheus”, București



freedom of the will, accountability, human right, human nature


Freedom of Expression and Action as part of Human Nature in Relationships with God and His People.

This article analyzes the attribute of the human beings of being able to make choices according to their own will. This is scrutinized under the Biblical view of the human creation and in the view of the accountability before God the Creator,  especially because this ability seems to be part of what it means to be created according to God’s image. This is proved to be so for the human beings no matter if they are men or women, and no matter of their race or nationality origin. Although  God seems to allow anything the people choose to do, yet He intervenes with laws and punishments. This freedom of expression and action undergoes recognition that the human beings are born with it and that there is no limit for those who  choose to express it either in a good manner or towards evil. The main goal of any choices should be to honor God and His will. But since God himself does not stop the humans even when their choices are bad and evil-minded how should the  society respond? In relation to this, another question has to do with the right of anybody to express and manifest their own will in the society. Would this be left free and unlimited because it is a fundamental right or are there any lines to draw in  order to limit and correct it? The last part of the article focuses on some of the beginning statements of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as it seems to lack the recognition of the Biblical truth about the human being created by God with  reason, conscience, and freedom. This can be called a deficit because it does not present the people with sufficient reasoning to choose their expressions and actions towards the wellbeing of their neighbors. 


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How to Cite

LIBERTATEA DE EXPRIMARE ȘI ACȚIUNE CA PARTE A NATURII UMANE ÎN RELAȚIILE CU DUMNEZEU ȘI CU SEMENII. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(1), 300-315.