
  • Conf. univ. dr. Mariana Mitra-Niță Universitatea Ovidius din Constanța




euthanasia, right to life, right to die, dignity, crime, consent


Some Interdisciplinary Aspects of Euthanasia.

Contemporary legislation guarantees and protects the human right to life, through the action of criminalizing the facts that endanger this fundamental right. This is by far the most important human right, indispensable to any society, on which  the conservation and development of the human species depends. Human life, as a social value, is protected from the moment of its appearance, the act of birth, until the moment of the installation of biological death. The social protection of this  right is made regardless of the person’s age, sex or health status. In all this context, euthanasia represents and still is a hot topic, which gives rise to many controversies, supported or fought by specialists in different fields: legal, theological,  philosophical, sociological, psychological. Euthanasia is not a new social problem, but it has imprinted human history since ancient times. What has changed is only people’s perception of this phenomenon. Ab initio, euthanasia is seen as a  dignified death of the ancient Greeks, the ancient samurai or those who fell as prisoners of war. Over time, the protection of the right to life has become a priority, and after the Second World War the culmination of the denial and rejection of  euthanasia practices was reached. Human society is constantly changing, through changes in perception and conceptions of everything around us. An idea accepted today can be successfully fought tomorrow. Therefore, many contemporary  states practice euthanasia, others more conservative absolutely reject it. 


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How to Cite

CÂTEVA ASPECTE INTERDISCIPLINARE PRIVITOARE LA EUTANASIE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 9(1), 201-218. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6560069