
  • Gheorghe Șchiopu-Constantin, PhD(c) Adventus University of Cernica



Job, wisdom literature, moral values, motivation, integrity, ethics, ethical epitome


Job 31 is one of the passages of the Old Testament that has aroused the interest of researchers both from a linguistic and theological point of view, as well as from an ethical perspective. Being part of the last soliloquy (chapters 29-31), this chapter represents the petition submitted by Job to God ( Job 31:35) in order to receive a response to his tragic and perplexing situation. If in the book’s prologue the description of Job is summed up in the words: There is none like him on the earth, a  blameless and upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil ( Job 1:8), in his last answer, Job, without knowing anything about heavenly dialogue, exemplifies in detail God’s description before the heavenly council. Job 31 is an ethical epitome both  as system of moral values described in the text, and as a moral example offered by a person.


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Crenshaw, James L., Old Testament Wisdom, (London: John Knox Press, 1998).

Davis, Ellen F., Job and Jacob: The Integrity of Faith, în Stephen L. Cook, Corrine L. Patton și James W. Watts (eds.), The Whirlwind. Essays on Job, Hermeneutics and Theology in Memory of Jane Morse, Sheffield Academic Press, Sheffield, 2001.

Good, Edwin M., Job 31 în Sitting with Job: Selected Studies on the Book of Job, Roy B. Zuck (ed), (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1992).

Gray, Mark, Rhetoric and Social Justice in Isaiah, T&T Clark International, New York: NY, 2006.

Knowles, A., The Bible guide, Augsburg books, Minneapolis, MN, 2001, 227.

Mays, J. L. Harper’s Bible commentary ( Job 31:1, electronic edition). (San Francisco, CA: Harper & Row, 1996).

Oeming, M., “Hiob 31 und der Dekalog”, in The Book of Job (W.A.M. Beuken, ed., Leuven University Press, 1994).

Radmacher, E. D.; R. B., Allen, and H. W., House, The Nelson study Bible: New King James Version ( Job 31:1, electronic edition), (Nashville, TN: Nelson Publishers, 1997).

Reyburn, William D., A Handbook on The Book of Job, United Bible Societies, New York, 1992.

Roehrs, W. H. and Franzmann, M. H., Concordia self-study comentary, (St. Louis, MO: Concordia Publishing House, Vol. 1, 1998).

Smith, J. E. The wisdom literature and Psalms, ( Job 31:1–40, electronic edition), ( Joplin, MO: College Press Publishing) 1996.




How to Cite

JOB 31: A PERSONAL INTEGRITY AS AN ETHICAL EPITOME. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(2), 776-787.