
  • Otilia Manta, PhD Romanian Academy




economy, education, finance


The year 2020 is one of the reference years for human history, both in terms of current challenges at European level (including global), but especially as a result of its societal, financial and economic consequences, and the multiple changes that  we face we confront and adapt each of us. The health crisis caused simultaneous crises, respectively economic crisis, with a major economic slowdown, especially on small businesses, and the European Union (EU) in this period (February-April  2020) supported concretely through monetary and fiscal policy measures, respectively through the Temporary Framework of the European Commission. Furthermore, the fiscal policy instruments used included the adaptation of state aid rules to  the exceptional circumstances generated by the coronavirus pandemic, in order to allow Member States to support their savings through direct or indirect intervention State aid could also be used during this period to remedy the serious  economic turmoil. Another effect of the health crisis has been linked to the European education system, and the decision-makers of the moment have changed the paradigm from the form of classical education to the form of digital education. In  the multitude of effects of this crisis, we believe that the fundamental element alongside the right to life must remain the fundamental pillar of democracy, namely the protection of citizens’ rights and freedoms and addressing decisions in the  context of upholding these fundamental human rights.1 In this paper we aim on the one hand to highlight some of the main measures applied by European Member States, but especially to specify directions of the education system in the  current context, given that in any crisis the human factor has been and is the key in resolving crises, regardless of them.


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How to Cite

“NOTHING FOR US WITHOUT US” MEASURES APPLIED AT EUROPEAN LEVEL DURING THE CURRENT CRISIS. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(2), 711-744. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6354204