humanism, progressivism, conscience, Church, humanityAbstract
Authentic Christian Conscience in Relation to "Progressive" and "Semi-humanist" Consciousness
We live in a world that no longer has the consciousness of eternity. There is at most talk of a horizontal education promoted by those who falsely call themselves „progressives” and „humanists”. It is a falsehood, because without that vector of his excelsior towards transcendence there is no progress, and to speak only about the material side of man, about his corporality, without talking about the soul, means to be only a semi-humanist. The mission of the authentic Christian Church is to make humanity aware of its transcendental vocation and call to Tabor. The church must remain on Tabor and look at the world with an agapic prosopon and through it change the world and return it to the conscious state of God’s creation.
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