
  • Drd. Radu Cristian Mariș Universitatea din Bucureşti, Facultatea de Teologie Baptistă



Church, Bible, corruption, ecclesiology, public theology


The Public Role of the Church in the Battle against Corruption

This study examines corruption from an ethical-theological perspective. It starts from the idea that there is a connection between corruption and injustice. Also, the study is clear on the face, despite the numerical growth are considered one of  the evangelical Christians in Romania, the involvement in the problem of corruption, the public element and the personal morality of the left behind. Consequently, this study will identify certain principles of care to inform and hold the content of  theological discourse on the involvement of the church in the public sphere, in general and in the fight against corruption in particular. The article assesses the public role of the church in anti-corruption and provides a paradigm shift in the fight  against corruption from secular to theological based approaches.


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How to Cite

ROLUL PUBLIC AL BISERICII ÎN LUPTA ANTICORUPŢIE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(2), 476-488.