integrity, morality, freedom, religion, prophet, Jeremiah, social justiceAbstract
Integrity and Religious Freedom in Divergent Associations. The Repression of the Dissonant Voices of Yahweh Prophets According to Jeremiah’s Prophecy
In this study, we aim to investigate the relationship between personal integrity and religious freedom, highlighting how society limits the religious freedom of the whole individual, who lives according to the principles of Holy Scripture. In many cases, these principles are different from the doctrine of the majority - the principles and values to which society in general adheres. This discussion will be customized to the religious freedom of the prophet Jeremiah. Thus, we intend to analyze the relationship between the prophet Jeremiah and the recipients of his oracles, highlighting their negative reactions to the prophet. Due to the major contrast between the message of the Yahweh’s prophet and the message of the other prophets, as well as the theology established in society, it was desired to repress the voice of Jeremiah. Given this analytical approach, we intend to first make an overview of the relationship between Yahweh’s prophetism and the society in which it operates, then to dwell briefly on the historical context in which Jeremiah worked, then identify the particularities of the message oracular of the prophet, so that, finally, we can analyze the repression of the dissonant voice of Jeremiah, identifying the opponents, the causes of the conflict, and the proposed forms of repression.
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