
  • Drd. Ioan Cocîrțeu Universitatea București



religious doctrines, moral, character, ways of thinking, supreme purpose


Ethics of Religious Freedom in Relation to Religion

The individual cannot be dissociated from society and analyzed in isolation in relation to religious freedom. He relates to others, he is given this freedom not only by his conscience, by divinity, but also by the society in which he lives. A state may  have just and fair laws, but as long as the general mentality does not accept, share and support them, these laws do no good to the purpose for which they were created. Moreover, if there are only laws, but without institutions to implement  them, the effect is disastrous. The viability of individual freedoms is protected by institutions that govern the common values shared by society. The constitution and the laws alone do not guarantee the exercise of freedoms. The general mentality  of society must be prepared to assimilate these laws, otherwise the social reproach towards certain individual behaviors can be extremely virulent. There is, in fact, a close link between mentality, law and freedoms. How, in fact, there is a close  connection between the various freedoms that the state supports.


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How to Cite

ETICA LIBERTĂŢII RELIGIOASE ÎN RELAŢIE CU RELIGIA. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(2), 109-125.