
  • Ps. Lect. univ. dr. Virgiliu Peicu Universitatea „Adventus”, Cernica



morals, virtues, freedom, responsibility, integrity, God, education


Morals, Integrity and Freedom

The acceptance of moral and ethical values entails a sort of ultimate goal or a cosmic teleological plan for human beings. The concern of post-creation pedagogy aims at developing human beings’ self-control and moral integrity. The essential  quality of the integrity of human behaviour consists in controlling one’s instincts and regulating one’s actions in the interest of the Lord, of the neighbour, and of the self, that is, in forgoing selfish desires. For the theistic philosopher, moral values,  human dignity, freedom, integrity, and personal responsibility can be best explained and understood by Theism in so far as we believe that we, human beings, are made good in the image of God. Morality and ethical values, aided by other theistic  evidences or by considering the possible special revelation can further clarify the reasons why God decided to save us from our desperate circumstances, in a world of evil and suffering.1 In the light of the divine law, the recommendation  for moral freedom is apparent. Moral freedom equals one’s own freedom after substracting the neighour’s freedom. The second divine project for freedom, for the freedom that descends as the “Word of God” which, coming “from above the  [human] race”, pushes it beyond it, revealing a completely different hypostasis and a completely different stake of freedom—the Christic project. Here… freedom is no longer a project proposed to a people, but to humanity as such, it its entirety.”


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How to Cite

MORALĂ, INTEGRITATE ȘI LIBERTATE. (2022). Journal for Freedom of Conscience (Jurnalul Libertății De Conștiință), 8(2), 97-108.