law, sects, Ortodox Church, religious freedom, religious liberty, human rights, AdventistAbstract
The Freedom of Conscience of the Adventist Believers in Romania Between the Years 1940-1944
Between 1940 and 1944, the Romanian State developed a special policy towards the neo-Protestant denominations present at that time in Romania, namely the Adventist, Baptist and Christian denominations according to the Gospel. Starting with September 1940, gradually, at the level of the state administration, there was an assimilation of the „association of Seventhday Adventists” with that of the forbidden religious „sects”. We will follow through the documents how the Romanian state policy influenced the Adventist confession as well as the dynamics of the relationship between the Adventist confession and the state during this period, starting with September 1940. We will study and evaluate the situation of freedom of conscience of Adventists in Romania for the mentioned period.
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