discrimination, society, combating, ethics, social integrityAbstract
From Discrimination to Combating Discrimination. Ethics and Social Integrity
Discrimination is perceived as a prohibited difference or distinction, being illegitimate and arbitrary. It represents the differentiated treatment applied to a person by virtue of his membership, real or presumed, to a certain social group. Discrimination, as a form of marginalization, is a phenomenon still present in today’s society, being so common that it is considered „normal” by many of us. Regarding the fight against discrimination, it is essential to show that the principle of non-discrimination, as a fundamental human right. „All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights” - it is highlighted in the „Universal Declaration of Human Rights”. The human rights system can be seen as a mechanism that contributes to the restriction of possible excesses by the state authorities. Discrimination is prohibited by law and no one is allowed to put someone in an inferior position just because they are a woman or a man or for any other reason. Therefore, in addition to the legislative norms and the contributions of the competent institutions, it is important to highlight the role of ethics and social integrity. The concept of integrity, a consistent concept of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations and morals. Integrity is an uncompromising and consistently predictable commitment to honoring moral, ethical, spiritual, and artistic values and principles. În social terms, integrity is considered to be the honesty, truthfulness or accuracy of one’s actions in accordance with rational principles.
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