integrity, freedom of conscience, human rights, free will, imago Dei, chosen people, man of integrityAbstract
Integrity and Freedom of Consciousness from a Biblical Perspective
Integrity and freedom of conscience from a biblical perspective lead us to explore notions such as imago Dei, chosen people or love of neighbor. Over the time, misunderstandings of these biblical notions have led to either abuse or disrespect for freedom of conscience. All three notions convey the truth that an integrity God respects the free will of man created by Him, including freedom of conscience, even if he may disagree with his actions (those that are sin) or his beliefs. With God as an example, the man of integrity cannot fail to respect the freedom of conscience of his fellow men.
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Calvin, Jean. 1960. The institute of the Christian religion. Edited by J.T. McNeill. Philadelphia: Westminster.
Irenaeus. 1953. Against Heresies. In Ante-Nicene Fathers. Edited by A. Roberts and J. Donaldson. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1:315-567.
Philo.1993. The works of Philo (New updated edition, complete and unabridged in one volume). Peabody: Hendrickson.
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