integrity and liberty, religious, conscience, post-religious, sense, reasoning, religious tradition, secularizationAbstract
Interference of Post-Religious Concepts and Secularization with Integrity and Religious Freedom and Freedom of Conscience
The integrity and religious freedom of human conscience define the status of the man, by placing him in a correct position towards behavioral moral and faith landmarks. Regardless of the area discussed, integrity and freedom are basic needs that make up the mental and spiritual background of man, but, in the case of religious, can become topics that are incompatible with social demands. As a result, whether it is new ideologies or mass movements, abusive verbal typologies or harsh behavioral actions, interpretative subtleties or intentional minimizations, history records several elements that`s interfering with religious space, meant on the one hand, to eradicate or diminish the importance of religious integrity and freedom of conscience and on the other hand, it highlighted religious freedom. Their effects, positive or negative, are immeasurable affecting every area of human life.
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