control social, supraveghere, monitorizare, postmodernitate, modernitate târzie, tehnologii moderne de control și supraveghere, ordine socială, supraveghere disciplinară, supraveghere liberală, controlul criminalității, consum, integrare sistemică, supraveghere sinoptică, detectarea devianței, sisteme de camere de luat vederi, pervaziv, libertate, demnitateAbstract
Surveillance, Dimension of Social Control in Postmodernity. Virtues and Risks to Human Freedom and Dignity
As criminologist Martin Innes emphasises in his comprehensive research „Understanding Social Control. Deviance, Crime an Social Order”, the principal logics and practices of social control have been profoundly transformed by the development and proliferation of surveiliance tehnologies. Surveillance has belonged traditionaly to policing but in late-modernity, the conducting of surveillance has infiltrated a variety of public and private areas. The development and dispersal of the technologies for the monitoring of coduct, as one of the principal modes via wich late-modernity societies, seek to modify behaviour, reglate deviance and respond to problems of social order, including societal level. Ethically speaking, the proliferation of„electronic eyes”, in both public and private spaces, represents a top difficult moral and axiological dilemma, regarding the pervasive expansion of „control net” and the imperative of protection the fundamental values of freedom and human dignity. In this paper, I will try to examine some of the dimensions of surveillance and its multifaced application, mainly observing the framework designed by Martin Innes and the other criminologists engaged in significant ontological and epistemological analysis of surveillance.
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